The future of projection: survival of the fittest
Higher resolutions, brighter light sources, better connectivity and increased interactivity; having superior technology can make all the difference on the highly competitive projection market. But...
View ArticleHow simplicity leads to better collaboration
The general aim of this blog series – SWITCH, short for: Security, Who is in your meeting room, Integration, Technology, Cross-platform and Human factors – is to show you how to take collaboration to...
View ArticleWatch our brand-new video to hear why SFR loves ClickShare
“When I discovered how easy it is to use ClickShare, I was completely blown away. I absolutely wanted the solution for our new campus,” said Michel Moussa, Real Estate Manager & Corporate Supplier...
View ArticleThese two simple tips will help keep your wireless environment secure
According to the 2014 Information Breaches Security Report, published by the UK Department for Business Innovation & Skills, nearly 8 out of 10 respondents indicate that their senior management...
View ArticleMeetings in the 21st century: The collaboration dilemma
Nobody will deny that our society is becoming more and more complex. This increased complexity has led to a higher degree of specialization among professionals, each speaking their own language....
View ArticleMeetings in the 21st century: Must-haves in the meeting space
In my previous post, I introduced the collaboration dilemma: can people collaborate efficiently when they are not physically together? Today, I want to elaborate on the minimum requirements for meeting...
View ArticleChoosing your wireless communication protocol (1/3): Miracast
The ability to share your content wirelessly from your laptop or smart device greatly improves meeting efficiency. Whether you are sharing sales figures, training your service staff or brainstorming...
View ArticleChoosing your wireless communication protocol (2/3): Apple AirPlay and Google...
The ability to share your content wirelessly from your laptop or smart device greatly improves meeting efficiency. Whether you are sharing sales figures, training your service staff or brainstorming...
View ArticleChoosing your wireless communication protocol (3/3): MirrorOp
The ability to share your content wirelessly from your laptop or smart device greatly improves meeting efficiency. Whether you are sharing sales figures, training your service staff or brainstorming...
View ArticleFood for conversation: re-live the webinar
Sharing our views and letting you connect through effective collaboration: that’s what the ClickShare webinars are all about. Did you miss out on the webinar yesterday? Or would you like to revisit a...
View ArticleClickShare secrets: why 2 people (and not more) can now share content using CSM
In last year’s meeting room survey, 64% of leaders stated that meetings would be more efficient if they could get more than one person’s point of view on-screen. This remarkable dedication to better...
View ArticleGary Kayye extols the virtues of ClickShare in Q&A with Barco
Recently, I sat down with Gary Kayye, founder of rAVe Publications and one of the most prominent personalities in the AV industry, to discuss his experience with ClickShare since its inception 3+ years...
View ArticleHead in the cloud: how Barco enables remote outcomes
Remember the turn of the century, twenty years ago? It probably feels like yesterday. With the beginning of the new millennium came a rapid digital shift that was all about mobilization and...
View ArticleMeetings are a waste of time
Most of us spend a lot of time in business meetings – and I’m sure we all daydream once in a while, or miss part of the meeting as we check our e-mail or consult news sites. Harmless as this might...
View ArticleCan technology save the meeting?
Last time, we touched upon the productivity issues in today’s meeting culture and the pressure from management to treat collaboration as a competitive asset.
View ArticleBalancing between convenience and security in the meeting room
SWITCH is our framework for taking collaboration to the next level. The acronym stands for Security, Who is in your meeting room, Integration, Technology, Cross-platform and Human factors.
View ArticleIntegration and interoperability: more than 'a nice to have'
Improving communication and collaboration in the meeting room is more than selecting the right presentation tools. After all, did you know that 1 out of 3 facility managers wants to simplify...
View ArticleDon't get locked in
With a predicted 2.5 billion of PCs, smartphones and tablets to be sold this year (source: Gartner*), demand for bringing your own device (BYOD) will keep on growing. These personal devices are often...
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